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主頁 > 學校概況 > 組織機構 > 正文

時間:2013-04-02 12:47 |來源:金年会 |作者:大連第24中學 |點擊:


Administrative Team
    Administrative team of Dalian No.24 Senior High School is solidaric with the spirit of go-aheadism, consisting of Deans Office, trade unions, school-run, Youth League, a library, clinic and other departments. Deans Office is composed of two parts, Office of Academic affairs and Office of ideological Education with one director of educational administration. One director of academic affairs and its office assistant as well as one director of ideological education and its office assistant. There are also one scientific research Director and head of academic competition. Deans Office and Teachers, advancing with the times, and actively learn from the most advanced teaching philosophy, guide and lead the education and teaching school,which has made considerable progress. Trade union consists of the union president and the group of unions, who gave full play to the role of ownership for the school’s faculty and staff to do the most practical work. Principal office has one director, who actively organizes and carries out various tasks in schools, becoming the bridge and link between principals and teachers. Secretary of the Communist Youth League makes implementation and completion of assigned tasks. There are two Library administrators to provide teachers and students with reading and convenient service. There is a school doctor clinic, who in the anti-SARS and anti-flu A H1N1, has made outstanding contributions. No.24 High school makes current brilliant results throughout the active cooperation of all the executive departments.

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